Saturday, May 21, 2011

The C Word...



But not just any kind of cookies. Oh, no. They're called 'pillow' cookies -and it doesn't take long after eating one (read: four) to figure out why. These cookies are firm on the outside, and soft and fluffy on the inside. Plus. they are not only chocolate, they are chocolate-almond butter.

You guys, these cookies are unreal.

I wasn't sure at first. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical.

The little buggers looked -nothing- like the photograph accompanying the recipe I was using.I was sure I had done something wrong... Maybe I got distracted by a roommate or a text sesh with my new love interest, and forgot the baking soda, or doubled the flour.


So I pawned them off, one by one, nonchalantly bringing them along to friend's houses, fiercely scanning their faces for signs of disapproval. But they were never there. Finally I tried one myself, and right in line with the rest of my taste tester's reactions, I fell in love. Mystery solved. I had discovered deliciously gooey chocolate-almond butter balls of yumminess, otherwise known as,

PEANUT BUTTER (...though I used almond butter...) CHOCOLATE PILLOWS


For the Chocolate Dough:
-1/2 C. oil
-1 C. sugar
-1/2 C. maple syrup
-3 tbsp. nondairy milk (soy, almond, rice, whatever)
-1/2 tsp. vanilla
-1 1/2 C. flour
-1/2 C. + 2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
-1/2 tsp baking soda
-1/4 tsp. salt

For the filling:
-3/4 C. peanut butter (though you can also use almond/sunflower seed/anything butter)
-2/3 C. powdered sugar
-2 to 3 tbsp. nondairy milk
-1/4 tsp. vanilla

1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Combine oil, sugar, maple syrup, milk, vanilla, mix until smooth.
3. Sift in flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Mix to form a moist dough.
4. Make filling: In another bowl, beat together peanut/almond/any butter, powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. milk, and vanilla to form a moist but firm dough (feel free to add a little more milk, or powdered sugar to get the dough to the right consistency)
5. Shape the cookies: role filling into about 24 clumps, then wrap the chocolate dough around the clumps, and roll (with your palms) into smooth balls (I just made that sound really gross, didn't I?)
6. Place on lightly greased cookie sheets, flatten if you'd like, and bake for 10 minutes. Let cool for 5 or so, and then ruthlessly devour.


Like my fun staging?

ANYWAYS, delicious balls of chocolately almondy goodness aside, I HAVE A FAVOUR TO ASK.

Rather, a Contest to announce. Yes. A Contest.

So here's the thing. I want to find a better name for the blog. 'A Dash of Love' is cute(ish), but it's a commonly used phrase, and I'd like something a little more original (and maybe even clever)! If you have any ideas, please comment on this post (or send me a message/email/text/carrier pigeon) with any ideas you have for blog names. If I end up going with your suggestion, I will bake or cook you absolutely anything in the world you want (vegan or not), and hand deliver it to you/send it express if you live far away. I'll also, of course, credit you for your ingeniousness, and be karmically indebted to you for life.

Now, I'm off to the park to get some sun and freckles (I swear I'm one gene away from being a ginger...) -and you should do the same. Right after baking some chocolate-almond butter pillows.



  1. Hey Marlee, those cookies look deeelicious!

    Blog name ideas:
    - Bakin' Not Bacon (or "Bakin Over Bacon"?)
    - Flour Power: A Vegan Baking Blog
    - Marleeats
    - Rubel Without a Cause (or "Rubel With A Cause"?)
    - Rubellious
    - Rubelicious
    - Oh Boy Soy!
    - The Good, the Bad, and the Eggless
    - Darth Vader's Cookie Farm

    I think I'm out of ideas....
    Great to see you the other day! xo

  2. Nikki! These are awesome, thank you so so much. It WAS great to see you the other day, I'm so glad we stopped by!
