Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Camping out in my mind...

Guess what I did?

Do it! Guess!

Nope, sorry.

I set up a tent, and camped in the woods for a week! All by myself!

Y'all, I haven't camped since I was three apples high. I've become a city girl, through and through. It may have taken me a whole lotta pre-trip pep talks from my forest-savvy friends, and an hour and a half to actually set the thing up when I got there, but by golly, it was one beautiful tent pitching! And it kept me dry and calm through not one, but two giant Laurentian thunder storms. So take that, #citygirlproblems!

Why, might you ask, would a blog-writing, cab-taking, idealistic lass like myself venture off into the woods by herself for a week?

Good question.

I went to a yoga ashram! And it was a lot cheaper to camp out than to stay in their cabins.

No, I didn't drink the Kool-Aid. However, I did do four hours of yoga and four hours of meditation each day! The yoga made me sore but strong, and the meditation gave my crazy dreams. Obviously I loved it and cried when I had to leave (almost).

An Ashram, for those of you who wouldn't touch yoga with a ten foot pole, is a magical place.

It's a place where people go, sometimes for a day, sometimes for years, to LIVE the yoga life. They live communally, all taking care of whatever needs to be done, with no worries about usual day-to-day struggles. It's a pretty spiritual place, but not in a religious way. More so in a... "I'm here to better myself, and work towards feeling as connected to who and what I am as possible".

Have I freaked you out yet?

If I have, you'll surely take this to be an adequate redeeming factor:


There were a couple dairy options, but they were all extras -things you could add to your meal, but weren't already a part of it. It was a veghead's dream, not having to worry about the inevitable conversation...

"Um, excuse me, what kind of broth is this"
"Oh... Hmmm... I THINK it's veggie?"
"Okay. Well. Do you think you could find out for me?"
(waiter drudges into the back resentfully)

Then you feel guilty, and wonder if you should've just taken their word for it. Afterall, what you will eat if it isn't veggie.

Oh, It isn't veggie.


ANYWAYS. All of the herbs, and many of the veggies are grown and maintained on the ashram, and they threw together some really creative stuff while I was there, like:

-vegan mashed potatoes
-a coleslaw-type dish with slivered almonds, carrots, and beets
-a million variations of fresh herbal teas, like lemon and ginger, lime and beet (!!!), and raspberry-orange(which I happen to be sipping as I type this)

Every dish had interesting combinations of flavours, seeds I'd never heard of, and greens that had always sounded way too intense for me (dandelion root, anyone?). It was an enlightening week for my palette (and mind).

It also got me thinking a lot about health. If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you've probably stumbled upon the post about my (former) issues with body image and disordered eating. Naturally, when my mind begins to hover around topics of 'health', a million red flags pop up in my heart and I have to seriously evaluate the nature of these intentions. Is this just a disguise for trying to eat less? lose weight? distract myself? justify feeling shitty about something else? I really have to dig down and be honest. But this week brought something very new to the table. I found myself actually, genuinely thinking about HEALTH. About how good I felt on the ashram, and how I can bring some of that magic back to the real world.

Just FYI, the schedule at the ashram is as follows,

5:30am- wake up
6:00-8:00- meditation
8:00-10:00- yoga
10:00-11:00- brunch
11:00-12:00pm- karma yoga
12:00-4:00- lectures/free time/swimming/hikes/etc
4:00-6:00- yoga
6:00-8:00- dinner/hanging out
8:00-10:00- meditation
10:00- a very well deserved bed time

In other words, no TV or movies, no cell phones, no facebook, no creeping, no micromanaging, no nothing. Just doing things that are good for you, relaxing, and (sometimes) talking about what all of that means to you. Sometimes we were just silent. And that was great. I met a couple really awesome people, played with a lot of adorable yogic babies, and really let my mind settle.

You've probably heard my favourite meditation analogy?


Okay I'll tell you (but only cause you asked...)

The mind is like a murky glass of water. When you let it sit still for a moment, all of the crap settles to the bottom, and can begin to see clearly. By just learning how to silence your mind for a while, you begin to take control of your thoughts, and learn how to stop your thoughts from taking you over. It's really phenomenal if you get into it.

So that is what I learned: mental/spiritual health is just as important as your physical health. And you really can't have one without the other. If you never eat a calorie over 1200 per day, and work out religiously, but are constantly stressed out about it -what's the point?

Similarly, you can't think clearly and feel healthy if you have a ton of undigested crap sitting in your body, regardless of how many hours you spend meditating or working on your inner-self. It may sound simple, but it made me smile, and for the first time in a very long time, feel excited about a health goal: furthering my peace of mind.

I think this goal is almost as delicious as my lunch: a salad with craisons, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, quinoa, and stirfried tofu, spinach, onions, ginger, sesame oil, and mushrooms.