Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Metric Moksha Muffins

Yesterday morning, walking home in the peaceful solitude that follows a 7am hot yoga class, I distinctly remember wondering what the day, still so young, might bring. What happened next could NOT have been predicted! I had already come home, showered, eaten breakfast, went to class, tried out a delicious new muffin recipe, and was in the middle of typing up a post about it, when BAM! My entire day was spun around on its head. My dear friend Leeper, also known as the love of my life, texted me to tell me to get my butt to the train station, she had an extra ticket to Metric for that night! I'm definitely not a die-hard Metric fan, but Leeper is, and Emily Haines is supposed to be amazing live. So I pulled my muffins out of the oven, packed my toothbrush and red flats into my purse, and booked it to the taxi stand around the corner. 20 minutes later I was on a train, and 2 and a half hours later I became a Metric fan. 

They played mostly off of their new album ('Fantasies'...currently downloading on my laptop). I wasn't too familiar with the lyrics, but danced manically regardless. It was one of those shows where you just had to move. Live music really does light something inside of me on fire -I don't know how else to explain it. It's changing and connecting and always reminds me of what's important. Stadium Love blew my mind, and Emily Haines can only be classified as an actual rock star. 

So, all in all, I've been through a spontaneous whirlwind. I guess sometimes you just have to take off and go with whatever is inviting or enticing you.....

What I Came Home To This Morning:

I suppose this is the price you pay for 
abandoning your roommates for night...

With that, I bring you...

(apparently a roommate favourite?)

Preheat oven to 375

In one bowl, mix:

-1/4 C. coconut oil
-1 1/4 C. soy milk (Vanilla works best)
-1 tsp. vanilla
-1 egg or egg substitute

In a second bowl, mix:

-2 C. flour (whole wheat, yo...)
-1/2 C. brown sugar
-2 tsp. baking powder
-1/4 tsp. salt
-1 C chocolate chips/nuts/fruit/raisons

Combine, and pour into muffin tins, bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes. 

Feel free to take out a couple minutes early in the event that you get a chance to leave the province and see Metric. The show will be even more delicious than the muffins...


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